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北京师范大学哲学学院是我国哲学社会科学教育、科研重镇,各专业均具有雄厚实力,按照学校“一体两翼”的办学格局,在珠海校区设有国际哲学研究中心。学院拥有哲学、PPE(政治学、经济学与哲学)两个本科专业,拥有从本科至硕士、博士、博士后在内的完整的人才培养体系,设有马克思主义哲学研究所、中国哲学与文化研究所、外国哲学与文化研究所、伦理学与道德教育研究所、美学与美育研究所、宗教与文化研究所、科学史与科学哲学研究所、逻辑学与认知科学研究所、政治哲学研究所等9个研究所,拥有1个国家教材建设重点研究基地——大中小学德育一体化教材研究、1个教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地——价值与文化研究中心,多个校级研究中心或学科交叉研究平台,拥有Frontiers of Philosophy in China、《当代中国价值观研究》、《思想政治课教学》3本专业学术期刊,承办意大利马切拉塔大学孔子学院,连续举办五届京师哲学暑期学堂,国际学术交流活跃,成果硕丰,在国际学术界有着重要影响。学院热忱欢迎海内外优秀人才加盟,携手共谋发展。
Beijing Normal University (BNU) is a public comprehensive university that is renowned for teacher education, education science and basic sciences and humanities. Its roots go back to 1902 when it was established as the Normal School of the Imperial University of Peking. BNU is among the first batch of China’s “Project 211” and “Project 985” aimed at building high-level universities. In 2017, it was included into the Category-A list of the country’s initiative to build world-class universities. Currently, the university is vigorously building a high-caliber system for the development of subjects and a “one university, two campuses” pattern where the Beijing Campus and Zhuhai Campus complement and reinforce each other with different areas of focus. The Beijing Campus focuses on basic disciplines and applied disciplines, while the Zhuhai Campus is striving to be a global institution up to high standard with new mechanisms and a southern campus of BNU on par with the Beijing Campus.
The School of Philosophy of Beijing Normal University is one of the best-ranked philosophy research and teaching centers in China, with strong research ability in all majors. In accordance with the university's "one body and two wings" educational philosophy, it has established an international philosophy research center at Zhuhai campus. The School of Philosophy has two undergraduate majors in philosophy, PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), a complete talent training system from undergraduate to master, doctoral and postdoctoral. There are 9 research institutes in the School, including the Research Institutes of Marxist Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Foreign Philosophy and Culture, Ethics and Moral Education, Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education, Religion and Culture, History of Science and Philosophy of Science, Logic and Cognitive Science and Political Philosophy. The School also has 1 national key research base for textbook compilation-research on integrated moral education textbooks for large, middle and primary schools, 1 key research base for humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education-Value and Cultural Studies Research Center, and multiple university-level research centers and interdisciplinary research platforms. Meanwhile, the School is in charge of 3 academic journals, including Frontiers of Philosophy in China, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Values, and Ideological and Political Course Teaching. The School also co-hosts the Confucius Institute at the University of Macerata, Italy. The School has held five sessions of BNU Philosophy Summer School, and has actively engaged in International academic exchanges and obtained fruitful achievements, playing an important role in the international academic community. The School of Philosophy warmly welcomes outstanding talents both domestically and internationally to join and work with us for common development.
School of Philosophy in Beijing Campus
Marxist philosophy, Chinese philosophy, foreign philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, religion, philosophy of science and technology, logic, political philosophy.
Outstanding talents: World-class experts and strategic talents who are dedicated to the frontiers of research and have international academic influence; or academic masters and well-known experts in philosophy and relevant fields.
Leading talents: Those with significant influence in philosophy and related fields.
Top-notch personnel: Young talents with influence in philosophy and related fields and industries.
Key young scholars: Young scholars who have obtained a PhD degree or worked as a postdoctoral researcher at universities within and outside Mainland China, achieved outstanding research achievements, and have a great potential in philosophy and related fields.
These positions are open to all talents within and outside Mainland China. All applicants should abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules and regulations of BNU and should have a PhD degree and experience in teaching, research, or study at universities or research institutes.
Remuneration and Benefits
1.生活待遇 Remuneration and benefits
Competitive salary
Top basic education resources for children (based on relevant policies of the country and Beijing for foreign teachers)
Decent living allowances and temporary housing for high-level talents
2.工作条件 Research support
Sufficient research start-up funds and equipment purchase fees
A harmonious and highly competent research team and quota of PhD admissions。
Procedures and Schedule
Through the hiring process, including public recruitment, preliminary review and recommendation by Philosophy School, and university interviews, the successful candidates will go through comprehensive evaluations before they are offered the employment. Positions for Beijing Campus are open all year.
During the outbreak of epidemic situation, We will carry out online recruitment to ensure smooth progress.
联系方式 Contact Information
Ms. Zhu
+8610 58802001
Email: zyy82@bnu.edu.cn
International Center for Philosophical Research in Zhuhai Campus
Marxist philosophy, Chinese philosophy, foreign philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, religion, philosophy of science and technology, logic, political philosophy.
Outstanding talents: Have the ability to lead the development of philosophy and carry out high-level scientific research.
Leading Talents: Have remarkable research achievements, and be able to play a leading role in team building and talent training.
Top-notch personnel: Have distinctive research achievements, with certain influence in relevant fields and peer recognition.
青年英才:具有优良的创新潜质和较好的团队协作能力,有较大发展潜力的青年学者,在国内外高校毕业的博士或出站的博士后,或有在高校从事两年以上教学科研工作经历的青年人才,研究成果特别突出者 。
Young talents: Young scholars who have a high potential innovation and good teamwork skills; PhD holders who have graduated from universities or completed postdoctoral research at home and abroad; or young talents who have engaged in teaching and research at universities for over two years and achieved exceptional results in research.
Key teachers: Have a PhD degree and teaching and research experience at a university or research institute, and meet the requirements for relevant professional titles of Beijing Campus.
We welcome applications from around the world. Full-time employment and part-time employment are available. All applicants should abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules and regulations of BNU and should have a PhD degree and experience in teaching, research, or study at universities or research institutes.
Remuneration and Benefits
1.生活待遇 Remuneration and benefits
Competitive salary
Top basic education resources for children
Temporary housing on campus or rent allowances
Eligible to purchase housing with joint property rights
2.工作条件 Research support
Sufficient research start-up funds and instrument and equipment purchase fees
A harmonious and highly competent research team and quota of PhD admissions
Procedures and Schedule
Through the hiring process, including public recruitment, preliminary review and recommendation by Philosophy School, and university interviews, the successful candidates will go through comprehensive evaluations before they are offered the employment. Positions for Zhuhai Campus are open all year.
During the outbreak of epidemic situation, We will carry out online recruitment to ensure smooth progress.
联系方式 Contact Information
Ms. Zhu
+8610 58802001
Email: zyy82@bnu.edu.cn
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