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(Contemporary French Philosophy and Thought: Gilles Deleuze II)
姓 名:杜斯特 Dariush Moaven Doust
语 言:英语 English
职 称:教授 Professor
时 间:1-18周 周二9-10节 1-18th Week Tuesday at 18:00-20:00
地 点:教四204 Teaching Building No.4 Room 204
2 学分
本科生、研究生 graduate/postgraduate
英语 English
50 participants
General Knowledge of Continental (German and French) Philosophy, Hegel, Marx, Spinoza.
Lectures, Lectures with interactive discussions, Presentations
(1) Presence and participation
(2) Midterm paper and Final Examination
Course Description
During the spring semester, we will continue with Our inroduction to Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy. During spring semester we are going to read selected chapters in Anti Oeidipus (L’antiOedipe), the work written conjointly by Gilles Deleuze and with Félixe Guattari. The book develops a number of central terms such as re- and deterritorialization, frequently used in academic literature. It also touches upon a plthora of 20th century cultural and philosophical fields of investigation. Both psycho-analysis and Marxism are highly relevant for an accurate understanding of this work and we are going to explain, discuss and scrutanize issues and arguments presented by Deleuze. The course presupposs a general understanding of terms such as Univocity of Being, the plane of immanence, simulacrum, as these concepts have been discussed during the first part of this course.
The course is carried out in two forms, lectures and group discussions. Lectures will comprise close reading of original texts, explanation of arguments and critical discussion about the historical development of Deleuze, as the central philosophical figure in the period 1970-1990 in France and beyond that internationally.
Group exercises consist of group discussion based on student presentations. In the middle of the semester, students will write a shorter mid-term paper. At the end of the course, students are expected to write a paper in which; 1. they prove their ability to treat at least one central concept or central text by one of the thinkers discussed during the course, 2. They demonstrate their ability to analyse arguments critically, and relate the concepts to both a historical context and to the Chinese thought.
Course contents
This course provides critical knowledge on one of the most important Continental philosophical traditions in Europe, namely Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy.
These philosophers will be discussed in connection to classic philosophy, notably Karl Marx, George W.F. Hegel,Baruch Spinoza. Besides these classical references, there will be references to a wider intellectual milieu in Post-War period which includes Jacques Lacan, Pierre Macherey, Alain Badiou, Slavoj zizek, etc.
【课程教材】 Textbooks
The literature will be compendium, a compilation of excerpts from
Among others the following works:
- Elisabeth Roudinesco, Philosophy in turbulent times: Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, Derrida, trans. William McCuaig (2008: Columbia University Press, New York).
- Gilles Deleuze, Expressionism in Philosophy (1968) trans. Martin Joughin (1990: Zone Books, New York).
- Deleuze, Gilles, Spinoza: Practical Philosophy (1970) trans. Robert Hurley (1988: City Light Books, San Francisco)
- Deleuze, Gilles, and Guattari, F.lix, What is Philosophy?, trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Graham Burchell (1994: Columbia University Press, New York).
【参考读物】 Reference Readings
This is in-depth option for further reading (not part of the syllabus):
- Gilles Deleuze, Logique du sense (the Logic of Sense), The Logic of Sense (1969 LS) trans. Mark Lester and Charles Stivale (1990: Columbia University Press, New York).
- Gilles Deleuze, Expressionism in Philosophy (1968 EPS) trans. Martin Joughin (1990: Zone Books, New York).
- The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque (1988 FLB) trans. Tom Conley (1993: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis).
- Difference and Repetition (1968) trans. Paul Patton (1994: Colombia University Press, New York).
- (with Guattari) Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature (1975 K) trans. Dana Polan (1986: University of Minnesota Press, Minnesota).
- Badiou, Alain Deleuze: the Clamour of Being trans. Louise Burchill (2000: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis).
- (with Guattari) A Thousand Plateaus - Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1980 TP) trans. Brian Massumi (1987: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis).
- (with Guattari) Anti-Oedipus - Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1972 AO) trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, and Helen Lane (1977: Viking Press, New York)
Spinoza: Practical Philosophy (1970 SPP) trans. Robert Hurley (1988: City Light Books, San Francisco)
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