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为促进世界各国优秀青年对中华传统文化和当代中国的了解和理解,增进中外青年之间的沟通,在孔子学院新汉学计划的支持下,2015年7月9-22日,北京师范大学哲学学院拟举办第一届京师哲学暑期学堂(BNU Philosophy Summer School),主题为“中国思想与现代文明”(Chinese Thought and Modern China),主要内容有学术讲座、参观考察和学生交流互动,工作语言是英语。
Please send the following application materials by May 21,2015 to: wangweiwei@bnu.edu.cn (境内学生由于不涉及签证问题,截止日期为6月30日,另:若选修,需按要求交材料;若旁听,则不需要递交材料):
(1) Scanned information page of passport;
(2) CV of no more than 3 pages
(3) Statement of intent of no more than 2pages. Please mention in your statement the reason why you are interested in our summer school and your academic achievements or your social practices.
(4) One letter of recommendation from the current employer and another one from other referee.
Assessment Process:
Our committee will assess the applications and inform the successful applicants as soon aspossible before the end of May 2015.
300 Euro or 2100 RMB, including food and a two-bed standard hotel room.
Confucius Institute Headquarters and Beijing Normal University will be
offering different kinds of scholarships forforeign participants (maximal 30) anddomestic participants (maximal 10,without boarding in a hotel room).
Scholarship I covers the international traveling expense (economic class, maximal eight thousands RMB), the accommodation (in a two-bed standard hotel room), and the sightseeing expenses;
Scholarship II covers the half of the international traveling expense (economic class, maximal four thousands RMB), the accommodation (in a two-bed standard hotel room), and the sightseeing expenses;
Scholarship III covers only the payment for the accommodation (in a two-bed standard hotel room) and the sightseeing expenses
To apply for a scholarship, please send a short, separate letter outlining current funding status, financial need and projected international travel expenses. Please note that there are no registration or course fees for the summer school.
Program Contact:
Ms. WANG Weiwei
Foreign Affairs Secretary, School of Philosophy
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 100875
EMAIL: wangweiwei@bnu.edu.cn
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