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主讲人: Paul E. Griffiths

主持人: Stefan Petkov

时间: 95日(周三),1500-1700


讲座简介Neo-Aristotelian theories of the organism have had a significant revival in recent years, with applications in Ethics and in the Philosophy of Medicine. They have been criticised on methodological grounds, and for being unable to deliver plausible normative results. “Organisational” accounts of biological teleology, which generalise ideas like metabolic closure to give an account of the nature of living systems, are a naturalistic alternative to Neo-Aristotelianism. They offer important insights into the nature of living things, but nevertheless make the same, substantive mistake about the goal towards which organisms are organised. Only a fundamentally unintuitive account of the natural teleology, informed by our best current evolutionary theory, can make sense of many aspects of the organisation of living things.


主讲人简介:  Paul E. Griffiths is an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow and Professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Sydney. A Professor of Science with a focus on Biology and Psychology, he was educated at Cambridge and the Australian National University, receiving his PhD in 1989. Prof. Griffiths heads the Theory and Method in Bioscience Project node of the Charles Perkins Centre. He has published lots of influential works, i.e. Monographs: Sex and Death: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Biology (Sterelny, K. & Griffiths, P.E., 1999), Genetics and Philosophy: An Introduction (Griffiths, P. E. & Stotz, K., 2014), etc. Articles: “Evolution, Dysfunction and Disease: A Reappraisal” (Griffiths, P. E. 2016, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science), “How DST Became a Process Theory” (Griffiths, P.E. et al. 2018. In Book Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology), etc.


