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短期课程 Truth: An Introduction to Revision Theory
讲授人:Anil Gupta 美国匹兹堡大学哲学系
Anil Gupta 个人简介:
当代哲学家,美国匹兹堡大学哲学系Alan Ross Anderson讲席教授,杰出教授,科学哲学中心研究员,美国艺术科学研究院院士,2012-2015年任系主任(注:匹兹堡大学哲学学科QS排名已连续三年全球第一)。Anil Gupta的主要研究领域为逻辑、语言哲学、形上学和知识论,他感兴趣的主题包括定义、真、意义和知觉。他目前是学术刊物Philosophy and Phenomenological Research的编辑。他的主要作品有Empiricism and Experience (Oxford, 2006),Truth, Meaning, Experience (Oxford, 2011)。此外,Anil Gupta还与Nuel Belnap合著了The Revision Theory of Truth (MIT, 1993)一书。
Anil Gupta 个人主页:www.philosophy.pitt.edu/person/anil-gupta;3AM有一个对Anil Gupta的采访,在其中他谈到了自己成为哲学家的经历、思考的哲学问题等,见www.3ammagazine.com/3am/post-truth-logical-experience-knowledge-circularity-truth-etc/。
This short course provides an introduction to the revision theory of truth. Prerequisites for the course are minimal, namely, knowledge of basic logic. The course presupposes no prior acquaintance with theories of truth.
4月23日 周一 10.00-12.00 Lecture 1: Truth and Definitions
We will begin by isolating the problem to be addressed, and we will go on to discuss Alfred Tarski’s influential views about the concept of truth. We will set out a framework within which the problem of truth will be addressed. It will be argued that the problem requires that we develop a general logical theory of definitions, one that makes sense of interdependent definitions.
4月25日 周三 10.00-12.00 Lecture 2: A General Theory of Definitions
A theory of definitions, S, will be presented. This theory is different from the principal revision theories S# and S*. It will be argued that S is superior, in some respects, to S# and S* and that it captures the minimal general logic of definitions.
4月27日 周五 10.00-12.00 Lecture 3: A Theory of Truth
We will use the theory of definitions S to construct a new theory of truth T. We will establish some important properties of T.
五一假期 (4月29日至5月1日)
5月2日 周三 15.30-17.30 Lecture 4: The Usefulness of Truth
We will compare theory T with principal theories of truth found in the literature, including Saul Kripke’s theory. We will address some objections to T, and we will use this theory to make some observations about the role the concept of truth plays in our conceptual system.
Chihara, Charles 1979: The semantic paradoxes: a diagnostic investigation. Philosophical Review 88, 590-618.
Kremer, Philip 2016: The revision theory of truth. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = .
Kripke, Saul 1975: Outline of a theory of truth. Journal of Philosophy 1975, 690-716.
Tarski, Alfred 1944: The semantic conception of truth. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4, 341-376.
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