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       中波应用逻辑研讨会将于2017129日和10日在北京师范大学举行,其目标是推动中国和波兰的逻辑学研究者之间的互动,主题是道义逻辑和其它哲学逻辑。中波应用逻辑研讨会受北京师范大学哲学学院、John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin和波兰驻中国大使馆支持。





9th December 2017


8:45-9:00 Opening


9:00-9:45 Lecture

Nana Cui: Dependence in group agency


9:45-10:00 Tea break


10:00-10:45 Lecture

Huimin Dong: Permission in Ceteris Paribus reasoning


10:45-11:00 Tea break


11:00-11:45 Lecture

Shunan He: A study on graph theory properties through hybrid graph logic


11:45-14:00 Lunch


14:00-14:45 Lecture

Tomasz Jarmużek: Tableau metatheory for relating logics application to deontic and epistemic cases


14:45-15:00 Tea break


15:00-15:45 Lecture

Fengkui Ju: A dynamic formalization of conditional duties


15:45-16:00 Tea break


16:00-16:45 Lecture

Piotr Kulicki: Developing normative systems with nC+


17:00-20:00 Dinner


10th December 2017


9:00-9:45 Lecture 1

Yanjun Li: Strategically knowing how


9:45-10:00 Tea break


10:00-10:45 Lecture

Sumin Xia: The pragmatic nature of deontic paradoxes


10:45-11:00 Tea break


11:00-11:45 Lecture

Marek Piechowiak: A logical account of subjective norms


11:45-14:00 Lunch


14:00-14:45 Lecture

Andrzej Pietruszczak & Tomasz Jarmużek: Logic of Anselmian ontological proof


14:45-15:00 Tea break


15:00-15:45 Lecture

Xin Sun: Quantum imperative logic


15:45-16:00 Tea break


16:00-16:45 Lecture

Fenrong Liu: What would a group tend to believe?


16:45-17:00 Closing


17:00-20:00 Dinner