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【征稿活动】Call for Papers

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

48h Annual Conference

June 2-5, 2016

East-West Center, University of Hawai'i, Manoa



Keynote Speaker: Professor Lawrence McCrea,


Title of Keynote Presentation: "Other People's Philosophy: Imagination and Identity"

Deadline for Abstracts and Proposals: Feb 1, 2016


The 48th Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (

http://www.sacpweb.org/) will commence one day after the close of the 2016 East-West Philosophers Conference at the East-WestCenter of the University of Hawai'i-Manoa.


The conference theme, "Imagination," is designed to invite scholars representing Asian and cross-cultural traditions of thought to present research on the many aspects of the notion of imagination in philosophy. Of course, those who wish to participate are most welcome to submit abstracts and presentations on the widest variety of topics that correspond to their special areas of interest as well, so long as they engage in some way with Asian traditions of thought.


Presentation and panel proposal abstracts should be sent electronically to Mary Bockover (mib1@humboldt.edu<

mailto:mib1@humboldt.edu>). Abstracts for presentations should be between 200-300 words, including a filename that begins with the presenter's last name and closes with the name of our organization and the year of the conference, e.g., 'Berger - SACP 2016'. The presenter's name, institutional affiliation and email address must also be stated in the text of the abstract itself. Panel proposals should include the title and a brief description of the panel, names and affiliations, along with email addresses, of panelists and titles of each participant's presentation. The deadline for submission is February 1, 2016. Notice of acceptance of proposals will be sent to your e-mail address by the beginning of March, with instructions for how to register and pay the conference fees if you intend to participate, as well as with information about reserved accommodations at Lincoln Hall on the U of Hawai'i campus.



To encourage student participation, the SACP has once again set up Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards for the 2016 conference. Student Essay Contest Prizes are: First prize: $1,000; Second prize, $750; and Third prize, $500. The awards are given in order to assist with the travel and accommodation expenses for those winners who attend and present their work at the 2016 SACP conference only. Graduate students who wish their papers to be considered for these prizes should submit a complete essay of no more than 10 pages (or 4,000 words) and a 300 word abstract to Mary Bockover at the above address.

Further details about travel, lodging and meals will be provided to those whose papers are accepted to the conference at the appropriate time.


2015 Conference Organizing Committee

Robin Wang, President

Vice-President; TBA

Mary Bockover, Secretary

Geoffrey Ashton, Treasurer

Amy Donahue

Douglas Berger

Haiming Wen






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