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题目:Convention and Imagination: Re-visiting the Pragmatic-Semantic Divide
主讲人Prof. Ernest Lepore
Should a speaker ask at a dinner table, “Can I have a burger?” you can reasonably infer she wants an order a burger. Should she insist, “Oil prices doubled and demand for consumer goods plunged,” you can reasonably infer the plunge followed the doubling. Should you set out to describe a magic act with, “And then he put the red handkerchief on the side of the table,” and your skeptical friend interject, “Well, it looked red,” you can reasonably infer she disagrees with you about its color. What is it about each of these exchanges that permits you to derive such a precise understanding of the speaker? How much of this understanding derives from knowledge of your interlocutor, and how much from knowledge of language? A familiar answer to these questions follows H.P. Grice in establishing a division between two qualitatively different domains of knowledge: semantics, concerned with knowledge of language, and pragmatics, concerned with explaining the behavior of rational agents, that is, a division between linguistics and psychology. Semantics describes the arbitrary ways in which expressions are interpreted by rules of language. And pragmatics accounts for interpretations that go beyond conventional meaning. To identify these, principles of rational cooperation governing conversation must be invoked. For Grice, pragmatic inference plays a crucial role in accounting for the rich and detailed interpretations faith which I began. I want to challenge his assumption. To this end, I am going to document a wide range of conventional knowledge—over and above semantics as traditionally conceived—that interlocutors need in order to derive the interpretations of utterances in context.
勒坡尔教授(Ernest Leopre),美国罗格斯大学认知科学研究中心执行主任,哲学系教授,国际哲学联合会(FISP)推举委员会成员,曾任美国哲学学会国际合作委员会主任,世界哲学大会语言哲学分会场主席,并兼任世界各国大学客座教授。主要研究领域为语言哲学、哲学逻辑、形而上学和心灵哲学等,是国际著名的语言哲学专家。已出版著作20多本,发表论文200多篇。最新著作有Convention and Imagination (with Matthew Stone, Oxford University Press, 2014),主编 Handbook in Philosophy of Language(with Barry Smith, Oxford University Press, 2006)。他还是Blackwell出版的系列丛书Philosophers and Their Critics的主编。