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We would like to inform you that the Registration of EASLLC2014 is now open. Registration information and the online form are available at http://tsinghualogic.net/events/2014/easllc/?page_id=19. The early registration deadline is *Thursday, May 1, 2014*.

For accommodation, please find hotel information on our website http://tsinghualogic.net/events/2014/easllc/?page_id=21. Since summer in Beijing is a busy season, please reserve your hotel as early as possible. As you will see, there are a limited number of cheap accommodation available on the campus, please make sure you let us know you want to use that before *May 1*, otherwise, we cannot promise any help.

Please feel free to contact us at easllc2014@gmail.com, if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in Beijing