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德国古典哲学系列讲座German Idealism: Kant and Hegel
主讲人:Prof. em. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Michael Welker
邀请人:江怡 教授、哲学与社会学学院院长
第一讲:Kant’s Program of Transcendental Philosophy
时间:5月12日,周一,9:00-12:00; 地点:主楼A805
第二讲:Kant’s Ethics and Its Current Relevance
第三讲:Kant’s Philosophy of Religion and his Critic on Religion
第四讲:The Genesis of Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit in His Early Texts
第五讲:Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
第六讲:Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion and his Critic on Religion
5月13日15:00-17:00,主楼A802,Welker教授基于国际合作与研究的多年经验,为学院内外教师做相关报告:International and Interdisciplinary Research Organization in the 21th Century,并与各位老师交流国际期刊发表的经验。
Prof. Michael Welker现任海德堡大学资深教授,国际跨学科神学研究中心(FIIT)主任,海德堡科学院院士,芬兰科学与文学院外籍院士。图宾根大学神学博士,海德堡大学哲学博士。先后在图宾根大学、明斯特大学、海德堡大学担任教授或讲席教授。曾任海德堡大学国际科学论坛(IWH)主席。曾在芝加哥大学、McMaster University、哈佛大学和剑桥大学担任客座教授,并曾在耶鲁大学、爱丁堡大学、苏黎世大学等多间世界著名高校短期讲学。
北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院 外国哲学与文化研究所
KANT AND HEGEL: Basic insights of their philosophies and their critique of religion – contemporary relevance and future perspectives
(an outline of six lectures about Kant and Hegel by Prof. Michael Welker)
Kant and Hegel are regarded as the most important German philosophers with an enormous radiating power over the centuries. They developed fascinating theories of knowledge they also offered a very subtly critique of religion. The six lectures will offer introductions into their groundbreaking thought and will illuminate their transformative critique of religion, called “Aufhebung der Religion” by Hegel.
The first lecture describes the revolutionary development of the transcendental philosophy and Kant’s program of a “Critique of Pure Reason”. It explains the developmental logic behind it in the history of Western philosophy in general and in Kant’s own intellectual development in particular. It unfolds Kant’s complex epistemology, including his theory of self-consciousness.
The second lecture offers an introduction into Kant’s ethics, presented in several of his books, particularly in his “Critique of Practical Reason”. It shows the power of this transcendental ethics, his theory of autonomy and freedom, but also its limits. The lecture explains the dissatisfaction with the “formalism” of his ethics and the attempts to improve the foundations of philosophical ethics. It moves on to an explanation of problems of moral communication and ethical orientations in the contemporary West.
The third lecture unfolds basic structures of Kant’s theory of religion, presented in his book “Religion Within the Boundaries of Reason Alone”. It shows that this theory is deeply rooted in his moral philosophy. The lecture will explain the important difference between the denunciatory and a transformative critique of religion. It will explain why the transformative forms of critique of religion, developed by Kant and Hegel, have been more effective than the more dramatic sounding denunciatory forms.
The fourth lecture will deal with the fascinating genesis of thinking that we find in the writings of the young Hegel. It will show that Hegel confronts himself already with the challenge of a multi-systemic approach toward political, philosophical, moral and religious reality. Today, many thinkers in the West regard this as the challenge of “postmodernity”. The lecture will explain why Hegel develops a complicated theory of the spirit, in order to cognitively and normatively control the complexity of the diagnosed cultural situation.
The fifth selection deals with Hegel’s very complicated yet very famous book “Phaenomenology of the Spirit”. It will try to raise an interest in a non-reductionistic multi-thematic philosophizing and philosophy. Epistemological, moral, political, aesthetic and religious investigations are woven together in this philosophical masterpiece. Dealing with this book helps to appreciate intricate philosophical methods, such as the “dialectics”.
The sixth lecture reconstructs Hegel’s complex critique of religion in his early writings (esp. in his book “Faith and Knowledge” = “Glauben und Wissen”), in his “Phaenomenology of the Spirit” and in his lectures on the “Philosophy of Religion”. Again, the great power of a transformative critique of religion will be demonstrated. Opportunities to cast a view on further developments in the so-called Left-Hegelianism and its critique of religion will be given.
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