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【学术预告】Johan van Benthem教授学术报告:Natural Language and Logic of Agency
报告人:Johan van Benthem教授
报告题目:Natural Language and Logic of Agency
报告摘要:We reflect on analogies between two often disjoint streams of research: the logical semantics and pragmatics of natural language and dynamic logics of information-driven agency. The two areas show significant overlap in themes and tools, and yet, the focus seems subtly different in each, defying a simple comparison. We discuss some unusual questions that emerge when the two are put side by side, in a light manner.
报告人简介:Johan van Benthem现为阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑、语言与计算研究所教授,美国斯坦福大学哲学系教授,荷兰皇家艺术与科学院院士,欧洲科学院院士。他是当今世界最著名的逻辑学家之一,在逻辑学的多个分支,比如模态逻辑,广义量词,动态认知逻辑,博弈逻辑等,都做出了卓越的贡献。
7月4日 9:30——11:30
北京师范大学 教二-203教室
北京师范大学 教二-203教室
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