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报告题目Perception of Other Minds

报告人 Anita Avramides 博士

Oxford University

主持人:李红 教授





Dr. Anita Avramides is the Southover Manor Trust Fellow in Philosophy at St Hilda's College and a Reader in the Philosophy of Mind at Oxford University. Her books include: Meaning and Mind: An Examination of a Gricean Account of Language (published by MIT Press, a Bradford Book) and Other Minds (published by Routledge).


On Seeing that Others have thoughts and feelings

The idea that we can perceive the minds of others is one that has an interesting history: at one time it was dismissed out of hand, while today it is considered a serious alternative to the inferential model (the idea that we know the minds of others by analogy, induction or best explanation). In this paper I explore this idea, as it is found in the work of Fred Dretske and Quassim Cassam. I explain how we can use this model to separate out a knowledge that and a knowledge what question. I then argue that, while the knowledge what question is a good one, the knowledge that is not.