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【学术预告】2014 Mini Course on Analytic Philosophy

Topic: History of Early Analytic Philosophy

Speaker: Professor Michael Beaney

Venue: A805 and A809, Main Building, BNU Campus




Nov.11 13:30-15:10 Frege and Philosophy of Language and Logic (A805)

Nov.14 13:30-17:10 Logicism and Analysis; Sense and Reference (A809)

Nov.18 13:30-15:10 Russell’s Theory of Descriptions (A805)

Nov.25 13:30-15:10 Russell’s Paradox and Other Paradoxes (A805)

Nov.28 13:30-17:10 Wittgenstein’s Early Philosophy (A809)

Nov.29 13:30-17:10 Wittgenstein’s Later Critique of his Early Philosophy (A809)


Sponsor: College of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing Normal University


Michael Beaney is Professor of Philosophy at the University of York, UK

Editorial duties:

General Editor, Series on the History of Analytic Philosophy, Palgrave Macmillan

Editor, British Journal for the History of Philosophy

Editor, Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2013

Research interests:

Philosophy of language, logic, mathematics and mind; history of philosophy, especially analytic philosophy; methodology; conceptions of analysis; creativity; Chinese philosophy


Frege: Making Sense; The Frege Reader (ed.); Imagination and Creativity; Gottlob Frege: Critical Assessments (ed.); The Analytic Turn (ed.), and others