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【学术课程】Summer Institute in American Philosophy

Summer Institute in American Philosophy

School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland

June 8-13, 2015

Call for Submissions and Expressions of Interest

The 2015 Summer Institute in American Philosophy will be held at University College Dublin, Ireland from June 8-13, 2015. This is the first time that the SIAP, organized annually by the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, is being held in Europe. Appropriately, the 2015 Institute will explore the influences, interconnections, and encounters between pragmatism and other philosophical traditions.

General Information

The Summer Institute in American Philosophy is designed for faculty members, early career researchers and advanced graduates in philosophy and related disciplines who are interested in American philosophy in general and Pragmatism and Neo-Pragmatism in particular. Robert Brandom and Hilary Putnam (via skype) will deliver key-note addresses on the theme of the Summer Institute. The daily program will be centered around plenary panels led by a number of distinguished experts, spanning multiple sessions over two or three days. The panels for this year are on “Analytic Pragmatism” (Cheryl Misak, Huw Price, and Jim O'Shea), “Pragmatism and Critical Theory” (Maeve Cooke), “Feminist Pragmatism” (Marilyn Fisher and Charlene Seigfried), “Re-Reading the Canon” (Russell B. Goodman, Joe Margolis), and “Pragmatism in China” (Yi Jiang). There will also be a number of traditional sessions, including paper presentations and works-in-progress meetings.

Further Information

All attendants of the Summer Institute will be awarded a certificate of participation upon request. It is also possible to obtain credits for the module “American Philosophy: The Reaches of Pragmatism” upon payment of an additional fee and submitting written work. For further information on this option please contact Professor Maria Baghramian ( Maria.Baghramian@ucd.ie)

Housing is available from the well-equipped UCD on campus residences. A standard single room en suite is priced 55.00 per night. For more information see http://www.ucd.ie/summeratucd/accommodation. Accommodation in nearby hotels as well as less expensive B&Bs are also available. Dublin is a popular tourist destination in June and early booking is recommended.

The program will also include side trips to historic and cultural sites in Dublin and its environs. Participants will have a chance to gather each night in restaurants and pubs in Dublin city center to continue the day's discussions or to attend concerts and other cultural events.

The programme and further information about previous Summer Institutes can be found here http://www.american-philosophy.org/events/summer_institute.htm